Pump rooms, as the name suggests, are the rooms where several pumps are housed, installed, and managed. These pumps are meant to supply water to different sources through a central control hub. These pump houses have a cosmos of water connections for which they need an ample amount of leakage protection to prevent water and property loss.
Leak detection systems are upgraded to ensure that sensor cables can be integrated into the pump room for instant detection of water leakage problems. Even if there is a minute leakage and sensor cables come in contact with the liquid, the alarms and notifications will be raised.
The pump rooms are placed around the leakage-prone areas to ensure that the equipment and the machinery stay safe from water damage. Along with that, the water loss will also be controlled due to leakage identification at the earliest.
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Water leak detection systems are embedded with high-tech designs to suit the suitable pump rooms around different industrial premises. The industry owners need to adopt the integration of such systems to save downtime, cost, and property as well.
By neglecting the water leakage problems, pump room equipment can lose its efficiency over time, and water loss might result in major losses for the industry. Therefore, industry owners are looking for the ideal implementation of water leak detection systems that can notify them instantly through diverse means.
The sensor cables that are installed in the pump rooms will be connected to the control panel. It will help the monitoring team to keep track of the leakage problems whenever they arise. Even if the monitoring staff is not available in the control room, notifications or alerts can be sent directly to the person in charge through SMS or email.
You need to pick the type of water leak detection solution that supports remote alerting in case of leakage detection. Some of the systems can also be designed accordingly to send a notification and stop the water supply immediately in case of any type of leakage detection. Hence, till the right person arrives at the spot, there will be no water loss or property damage. Thus, these are some of the intuitive features that are must-to-have in every leak detection system for pump rooms.
Hence, it will eventually help the industries to get the repair jobs done in less period to avoid major downtime of the supply. Maintenance hassle would be less with the inclusion of such leak detection systems in your pump room.
CtrlTech is a proficient company that is equipped with the right tools and expertise to carry out your need for installing the right leak detection system in your pump rooms. CtrlTech has a team of professionals who carry out the installation process through some definite steps. The steps include:
Site Visit
Visit the site to get an idea about the leak-prone areas and analyze the site map accordingly.
Requirement and Design
Check on the requirements and design a specified leak detection system for further installation.
Expert Team
The installation job will commence with all commissioning and testing procedures.
After the installation is done, the maintenance and warranty contract will be signed.
Team Member
After the design idea is specified, the team member will inform all the technical aspects and price quotes to the industry owner or representative.
There are immense benefits you will get upon installing a leak detection system in your pump room. These benefits include:
To know more about the necessity of a water leak detection solution for the pump room, reach out to CtrlTech today.
Pump rooms are highly prone to water leak areas since they house pipes, pumps, and valves. A hidden leak not only increases the bill but can damage equipment inside the pump rooms. A water leak detector can detect even a small leak at its initial stage and notify the supporting staff. Hence, it saves losses and increases the uptime of the water supply.
Many water leak detection systems can trigger relay output in the event of to leak. The relay signal can be used to close the solenoid valve connected in line with the main water supply line. Thus, whenever the system detects a leak, it will switch off the main water supply with the help of a solenoid valve to stop the heavy leak.
For a large pump room with multiple pumps and valves, use water leak detection with a leak sensor cable. Probe and point sensors are ideal for small pump rooms with one or two pumps.
It should be used in the following locations:
An addressable or distance-read water leak detection system is highly accurate. It can locate a leak location with an accuracy of one to two feet. Also, it has a facility to adjust its sensitivity to avoid false alarms.