water leak detector for server room & Datacenter

Water leak detection solutions

A water leak detection system is a device that detects leakages at an early stage with the help of a water leak sensor cable or probe sensor and notifies the user by alarm, email, or SMS. It is often used in the server room, datacenters, pump room, telecom room, and commercial buildings. CtrlTech offers a single zone, multi-zone, and distance read or addressable water leak detector system. Also, the water leakage detection kit with rope sensor cable can locate the exact leak location. Probe and point leak detector sensors are perfect for small areas.

A water leak alarm panel can integrate with the BMS system. A relay output of the leak detector kit can switch off the solenoid valve to stop the water supply. RLE offers a wireless leak monitoring system that is easy to install. Some of the reputed brands are RLE, Aqualeak, TTK, Liebert, and Environmux by NTI.

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Oil leak detection solutions

Oil is a precious commodity. An oil leak detection system avoids damage to financial, human life, and the environment by detecting its leakage at a very initial stage. Thus, an oil leak detector kit is recommended for the Diesel generator room, fuel tanks, and oil pipelines. This system consists of a central panel along with oil leak sensors. A locating oil leak alarm with an oil leak sensing cable helps monitor leakages over the long oil pipes. An optical sensor detector is ideal for small fuel tanks. However, from large commercial tanks, a cable leak detection sensor is an ideal choice. 
Oil leakage detection saves billions of dollars every year that can cause by leaks in oil pipelines. An oil wire sensor can run over thousands of kilometers to give real-time monitoring. CtrlTech provides leak detection solutions in Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
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Oil leak detection for generator fuel tank in Abu Dhabi.
Environmental monitoring for temperature and humidity

Environmental monitoring solutions

An environmental monitoring system is a device that can keep track of temperature, humidity, and airflow when it is connected to the respective sensors. Also, it can notify security breaching events on a real-time basis. Temperature and humidity monitoring in data centers and server rooms is a critical aspect of uptime. An EMS can inform users if temperature and humidity crosses set threshold high and low values. These systems can connect to LAN and WAN, and users can remotely monitor it over the web.
The server room monitoring system often uses temperature, humidity, water leak, smoke detector, airflow, and motion sensors. Thus, along with climate, it can offer protection against unauthorized entry and hazards. RLE offers a Falcon facility monitoring system. It can be integrated with wireless sensors. AKPC, NTI, Liebert, APC NetBoltz, and Aqualeak are some of the datacenter monitoring brands.
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